The Rubik's Cube Test

Want to prove to yourself that the universe is alive and listening?
It's very simple. Think of a Rubik's cube. Imagine holding it in your hand, turning it over, rotating it, scrambling it. Fantasize about the satisfying feeling of colors and blocks snapping into place. Do this a couple of times today and tomorrow. That's it.
If it works, you should see one inexplicably pop up in the next week or two. Someone might mention one to you, you might see one on social media, someone might give one to you. If you just saw one before finding this site, that counts.
Tips and Tricks
- If for some reason you see a lot of Rubik's cubes in your day-to-day life, pick something else that's relatively uncommon or rare. Owls, dinosaurs, childhood toys, and so on are good things to try.
- If this is your first time trying this type of visualization, don't stress too much about any part of the process. It should feel like an entertaining little experiment. No need to spend more than a couple minutes on it.
- Try not to worry about the result. This sort of magic works best when you let go of your attachment to outcomes. If it doesn't work, take a break or pick a different object or try again.
Isn't this just the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon?
The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, or frequency illusion, is the tendency to notice something immediately after becoming aware of it for the first time. This typically happens with words. Frequency illusion is a real cognitive bias, which is why we choose a novelty object which is notable if it appears suddenly in close proximity to when we visualize the object, especially when there is no apparent causal link between them. There's a big difference between learning about something common and then noticing it in the world around you and intentionally choosing to see something uncommon (like a Rubik's cube or other unusual object of your choice) in a very short timespan after doing this exercise, which is highly unlikely. If you're not convinced, just do it again until it starts to get weird.
The best "hit" is when you see your target object very quickly after visualizing it, in a way which is highly improbable, and comes with the distinct feeling that the universe is acknowledging you directly. Internet algorithms and ad monitoring make this hazier, so try it with other stuff, too!
Holy shit, it worked! How is this possible?
If it worked, there are two possible explanations.
1) This is a pure coincidence and you got lucky. Someone made this website counting on coincidence, and wants to fool you and waste exactly one to two minutes of your time. Oh no!
2) You have stumbled upon the best-kept secret of all time, which is that the fabric of reality itself is made of something more like thought than matter, condensed around us into a slower material form so that we can have a human experience in a tangible world.
If it's the second one, it has profound meanings for the way we live our lives and orient ourselves to the human experience. Of course, people throughout all of recorded history have understood that life is fundamentally magical, though in much more subtle ways than television and fiction would have you think.
How much time have we wasted pretending that reality isn't what it actually is?
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Who made this site?
This site was created by @sadalsvvd, a pseudonymous reality explorer, software engineer, and writer. I first came up with the Rubik's cube test as a kid, and have been fascinated by the nature of reality ever since. I first demonstrated the Rubik's Cube Test on a Twitter thread, where it worked for many other people.
If you would like to learn more about magical reality too, you can peruse my web space at